Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Boy meets history

It does my heart good to see my son on location. In the fall he and his wife and friends visited Rome. Now he's getting to see other historical places he's learned about only in books. He has loved history, archeology, paleontology, and all things ancient since he was very small. Now he is a grad student at Penn State on a month-long project in Turkey. The e-mails are few, but I caught the excitement in his voice through his tiredness:

I have gotten to see some incredible, incredible Roman sites. There are whole cities just sitting on the surface, with no one doing any archaeological research on them. I attached a photo of the theater from an amazing site called Kastabala, and me getting to know an Iron-Age sculpture of a lion at a place called Karatepe.

Have a great time Jeff!

--please pray for his health and safety (as a mom I think about that a lot!)


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